
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Do I have to care if you are offended?

If I posted on Facebook saying how much I dislike the writings of your favorite author, would you get offended? Would you tell me that I should just shut up and leave it alone? If I posted an argument against your chosen political party would you demand that I have no right to post such mean things? Would you demand that I just shut up because you really like those things and my arguments against those things are offensive? I don't think you would.

But yet invariably nearly every time I post anything at all even vaguely against religion or the ideas of religion I am constantly told to be quiet. I am told things like,

"Why can't you just leave it alone?"

"Why do you have to be so mean?"

"You are being offensive!"

And various other things to try to shut me up.

In every other context other than religion, discussion and argument are an expected part of our society, but as soon as religion comes up I am supposed to shut my mouth.

I am not naive as to the reason for this double-standard. The more seriously people take their beliefs, the more their beliefs matter to them, the more they are going to feel offended when those beliefs are challenged. It is a natural human response.

But I think it is also an immature human response, and one that we should fight against.

I am sure I fall into this trap myself, but I try to be aware of it and try to not allow myself the luxury of thinking I am always right. If I am being stubborn and blind to the evidence I want to know. I want my beliefs to conform to reality. This is, of course, easier said than done.

If we get immediately offended whenever something we think is challenged than how can we ever know if we are wrong? There really is no other good way to determine the truth of something than to submit it to the full light of questioning, doubting, and scrutiny.

On the other hand, there is something to be said for basic human politeness and compassion. Would I ever go into a church and challenge anyone's beliefs in person? No. I wouldn't even think to do such a thing. In fact if you know me in person, try to remember a time where I challenged your religious beliefs in person. I bet you can't. There have been a few times where I have discussed religious ideas with some of you, but I always felt like the conversation was welcome by both parties. If I was wrong about that than I apologize.

Almost all my anti-religious activities are done online. If something I said offends you than I cannot help that. I feel I have a right, and an obligation, to say what I need to say. The issues I talk about are important to me. I think these issues are important for the future of humanity.

If the things I say on the internet offend you than you are welcome to not read them.

I welcome debate, discussion and argument. I welcome challenges against my positions. How else could I know if I am wrong if nobody challenges my beliefs?

However if your only contribution is to try to shut me up then please just ignore me instead.

Do I care if you are offended?

Not one bit.

1 comment:

  1. I found this post extremely offensive, Kyle, and I intend to return again and again for more.
