
Monday, May 16, 2011

A dose of anger and offense.

I have discovered something recently. I have discovered that no matter how much I restrain myself in expressing my opinions about religion or Mormonism people will still take offense.

No matter how fair I try to be to people, no matter how many times I make sure I differentiate between religious beliefs and religious people, no matter how often I use soft words and polite ways to make my point, it just doesn't matter at all.

People will still take offense.

I have been accused of having no morals, leaving religion because I wanted to sin, and lacking integrity. I have been accused of being stupid, ignorant, lacking reason, and playing the victim.

And that's just within the past week.

It just doesn't matter how nice I try to be, I am seen as an asshole and a bigot. So today I am going to be an asshole, I'll let you decide about the bigot part.

I am about to offend you. If you don't like being offended you should stop reading and close this page now. Seriously.


Are you sure you want to read this?


Last chance


Fuck religion.

Fuck all religion, and fuck the ignorant, brainwashed people who believe in it.

Fuck Mormonism.
Fuck Mormonism for making me think I was committing a sin barely less than murder for masturbating.
Fuck Mormonism for using your political weight to take away rights from American citizens.
And Fuck the Mormons who support such bigotry.
Fuck Mormonism for not allowing me to attend my own father's funeral.
Fuck Mormonism for teaching women that their only real purpose is to raise kids.
Fuck Mormonism for excommunicating anyone who actually asks questions.

Fuck Catholicism.
Fuck Catholicism for teaching people that condoms are more evil than AIDS.
Fuck Catholicism for enabling child rapists.
Fuck Catholicism for persecuting people like Galileo, people who actually cared about truth.

Fuck Islam.
Fuck Islam for using your violent religion to justify murder, rape, mutilation and bigotry.
Fuck Islam for attacking my beloved nation blatantly and without provocation.
Fuck Islam for demanding free speech rights while calling for death to others who demand the same.
Fuck Islam for their unforgivable treatment of women, including genital mutilation of children

Fuck Christianity for undermining science education in this nation, and endangering our future.
Fuck Christians who claim that we are a "Christian Nation" Which is true only in the same sense that we are a white nation. (I bet that one gets taken out of context).
Fuck Christians for putting the words "under god" in the pledge of allegiance.
(Incidentally, Fuck the pledge of allegiance. We don't need loyalty pledges to be patriotic.)
Fuck Christians who claim persecution when atheists put up billboards.
Fuck Christians who tell me there are no atheists in foxholes. Yes there fucking are! I was one!
Fuck Christians who think religious belief and patriotism are one and the same.
Fuck Christians who scare little children into being "good" by stories of hell.
Fuck Christians who tell me I am going to hell. If hell is real, (spoiler alert. It isn't), I hope you go there and spend eternity burning for your ignorant, backwards views.

And Fuck whatever religion you believe in that I haven't mentioned yet. And whatever stupid, irrational, ignorant, backwards, unscientific, unsupported, and just downright silly beliefs you hold.


Fuck me for not thinking of more things to be angry about.

And Fuck me for using so much fucking hyperbole!